

Wednesday 29th of October
Yesterday we spent our day with the polish students the whole day. We were at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews and later on we went to the Educational Centre. At the museum we saw a documentary film about Yoram Gross and we also met him.

When we came to the Educational Centre we worked in two mixed groups, one group had a guided tour around the museum while the others had workshops.

Thursday 30th of October
This was one of the days we were most excited about, because we had heard so much the place. Treblinka was an execution camp during the Second World War. It was an educational experience to actually be there instead of just reading about it.
When we were finished at Treblinka we went to a polish school called Minsk Mazowiecki. First we ate dinner and later on we finished our projects.

Hanna Holte
What was your expectation for the trip?
-I wasn`t sure what to except, because so many things could happened. But it has been very fun and I have learned a lot.

What was the best experience of this trip?
-I think the best experience of the trip was to visit Treblinka. But we have also at a lot of fun on shopping when we had free time.

Did you learn something new?
-Yes, I have learned much about the Jewish history and culture.

Do you think this was a good way to learn? Why?
- Yes, I like to learn when I can see it with my eyes. And I have really learned a lot!

What was your expectation for the trip?
-I thought we would meet new people and work with them every day. Other than that I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was surprised in a good way about how the trip has gone.

What was the best experience of this trip?
- My best experience on this trip was probably at the JCC and that I got to taste kosher food.

Did you learn something new?
-Yes, I have learned about Polish Jewish history and how they are doing today and a lot about Warsaw during and after the war.

Do you think this was a good way to learn? Why?
-Definitely, it is a lot better than to read about it in a book. This way you actually get to see the places that you learn about and that has a much better effect then just reading about it.

Written by Rakel Midtlyng and Malin Bakås Hov.


Meeting the Polish students

Today we went to the XXII High School Jose Marti Lyceum and met the Polish students. We introdruced ourselves to each other and then we had workshops in groups with the Polish students. We got a task to make a short film about one of many subjects. One of them was cultural differences. Afterwards everyone had lunch at the school, we also got some cake!

After three hours with freetime at the shopping-center we went to the JCC (Jewish Community Center). We listened to a lady, who had a kind of a presentation about the Community Center. Then we got served a typical jewish dinner at the center.

Written by Rakel Midtlyng and Malin Bakås Hov.


Faces of Diversity
Faces of Diversity is a cooperation between two Norwegian schools, two Polish schools, The Museum of the History of Polish Jews and Falstad-center. We are 24 students from Lundamo lower secondary school and a group of students from Levanger upper secondary school (Norway). We are going to meet the polish students from XXII Jose Marti Lyceum & Gymnasium and Lyceum from Minsk Mazowiecki. We are about 100 students all together. The goal of the trip and the cooperation is to learn about the Second World War and the history of the polish Jews.

Monday October 27th
Today we arrived in Warsaw, first we ate lunch at the hotel. We got served a spinach and rise dish, and a fruit salad for dessert.

After lunch we had a guide who took us on a walking tour around Warsaw. She told us a lot of interesting things about the town history and the rebuilding of the town. Here are some pictures from the day:

This is the reconstruction of the Royal Palace, the original building was destroyed during the second world war. Almost everyone in Warsaw donated money to get it rebuilt, because it was so important for the city. It is now a museum.

This is a statue of a fighting mermaid, who is supposed to protect the city of Warsaw.

This is the Palace of Culture and Science, the tower was considered as a gift from the Soviet people to the Polish nation.

Tomorrow we are going to have workshops with the Polish students and work on a project. The project will be presented for the Norwegian ambassador in Poland, Karsten Klepsvik.

Posted by Rakel Midtlyng and Malin Bakås Hov



Ingredienser for 8 Store eller 16 små:
½ pakke gjær
3 dl melk/vann, lunken
1 ts sukker (kan sløyfes)
½ ts salt
2-3 ss olje
3 dl sammalt hvete, grov
ca. 4 ½ dl hvetemel

valumuefrø eller sesamfrø.
i stekeovn: 240 ‘C midt i
ovnen i 8-10 minutter

1. lag deigen på samme måte som til Grove rundstykker

Grove rundstykker:
1. Smuldre gjæren i en bakebolle, tilsett litt av den lunke væsken og rør ut gjæren.
2. Hell i resten av væsken, sukker, salt og olje. Tilsett eventuelle smakstilsetninger.
3. rør inn havregryn og alt det sammalte melet.
4. tilsett hvetemel og elt deigen jevn og smidig slik at den slipper redskap og bolle.
5. Dekk bakebollen med en tallerken eller plast og la deigen heve til dobbel størrelse

Nå tilbake til horn.
2. Elt den ferdighevde deigen litt og form den til en eller to kuler.
3. Kjevle deigen ut til en stor eller to mindre runde leiver med diameter på ca.40 CM eller 30 CM.
4. Del leiven i åtte like store snipper med en bake- eller pizzatrinse.
5. Snu hvert emne og børst av løst mel. Legg på eventuelt fyll før du ruller det sammen til horn.
6. Legg hornene med spissen godt under på bakepapir på en bakeplate.
7. Dekk med plast og la hornene heve til dobbel størrelse eller til et lett fingertrykk går langsomt tilbake.
8. Dusj eller pensle med vann like før du steker. Stek hornene friskt brune og avkjøl på rist.

Ingredients 8 large or 16 small :
½ packet of yeast
3 cups milk / water , bodytemperature
1 teaspoon sugar ( optional)
½ teaspoon salt
2-3 tbsp oil
3 cup whole wheat , coarse
approx. 4 ½ dl flour

sesame seeds.
in oven 240 ' C in the middle of
oven for 8-10 minutes

1 layer dough in the same way as the coarse rolls

Coarse rolls :
1 Crumble the yeast into a mixing bowl , add some of the lukewar liquid and stir the yeast .
2 Pour in the rest of the liquid, sugar , salt and oil. Add any flavorings.
3 stir in oats and all whole grain flour.
4 add flour and knead the dough smooth and supple so that the release tool and bowl.
5 Cover the bowl with a plate or plastic and let the dough rise until doubled in size

Now back to the horn .
2 Knead the dough a bit finish assert and shape it into one or two balls .
3 Roll the dough out to a large or two smaller round Leiva with a diameter of about 40 CM or 30 CM .
4 Share the dough into eight equal sized collars with a bake or pizzatrinse .
5 Turn each topic and brush loose flour. Apply possibly fill before you roll it along the horn .
6 Add horns with the tip well under the baking paper on a baking sheet.
7 Cover with plastic and let the horns rise to double size or a light finger pressure goes back slowly .
8 Shower or brush with water just before baking . Bake horns fresh brown and cool on a rack .

LUN International x

Thai vårruller (50 stk)

 300g GULROT
 200 g HODEKÅL
 1 EGG

Riv papiret fra hverandre forsiktig og legg de i en boks så de ikke tørker.
Halvstek kyllingkjøttdeigen, ta vekk kraften og sett kjøttdeigen til side.
Legg glassnudler i lunket vann i ca 15 minutter. Sil av og skjær opp.
Skjær gulrot og kål i tynne strimler og passe lengde. Bruk gjerne ostehøvelen til det. Du kan også grov hakke i en kjøkkenmaskin.
Bland alle ingredienser i en bolle sammen med kjøttdeigen og krydderblandingen. Så er det bare å rulle. Visp egget og bruk te til lim når du ruller.

Ha olje i en panne(wok) til at rullene kan flyte. Varm oljen passende varm. Leg så 4-5 vårruller om gangen. La dem steke til de blir gylden brun, ca 6-10 minutter.

Vårruller er det norske navnet på paraplybetegnelsen for en rekke svært utbredte østasiatiske matretter. De kan tilberedes på forskjellige måter, men består alltid av en pastalignende tynn deig som pakker inn et fyll som kan bestå av kjøtt, fisk eller grønnsaker.
Vårrullene kan være frityrstekt, men det finnes også ukokte varianter.
Navnet vårrull kommer av den kinesiske preferansen a servere den til vårfesten.

Spring rolls is the Norwegian name of the umbrella term for a number of very common East Asian cuisines. They can be prepared in different ways, but always consist of a paste-like thin dough packages in a filler which can consist of meat, fish or vegetables.
Spring rolls can be fried, but there are also uncooked varieties.
The name spring roll comes from the Chinese preference a server to the Spring Festival.

LUN International x


Chocolate Chip Cookies

20-25 stk


5 dl hvetemel
2,5 dl romtemperert smør
2,5 dl sukker
2 romtempererte egg
1 ts vaniljesukker
1 ts natron
1 ts salt
200 g lys sjokolade i små biter (også godt med Non Stop eller det du liker best istedenfor sjokolade)

Bland smør og sukker godt sammen til den blir kremaktig.
Visp inn ett egg om gangen.
Bland alt det tørre sammen og rør det inn i røren.
Hell inn sjokoladebitene.
Lag små kuler med en spiseskje og legg dem på ett brett med bakepapir (pass på og ikke legg dem for nære hverandre).
Stekes i ovnene på 200⁰ til de er lysebrune på toppen.


5 dl plain flour
2,5 dl butter (room temperature)
2,5 dl caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
200g light chocolate in small pieces (also good with Non Stop or anything you like instead of chocolate)

Mix butter and casting sugar together until it becomes creamy.
Whisk in eggs one at a time.
Mix all dry ingredients together and stir into the batter.
Pour pieces of chocolate into the batter.
Make small lumps and place them on a plate with baking paper (do not put them too close to each other).
Bake in the oven at 200 ⁰ until they are light brown on the top.

Amerikanske kjeks ble laget første gang ved et uhell av en dame ved navn Ruth Graves Wakefield i 1930. Hun eide en populær restaurant i Whitman, Massachusetts. Wakefield sies å ha laget sjokoladekjeks og gikk tom for vanlig bakesjokolade, for å erstattes dette brukte hun ødelagte biter av semi-søt sjokolade fra Nestlé og tenkte at de ville smelte og blandes inn i røren. Det gjorde de ikke og sjokoladekjeksen ble født.

American cookies were made first by accident by a woman named Ruth Graves Wakefield in 1930. She owned a popular restaurant in Whitman, Massachusetts. Wakefield is said to have been making chocolate cookies and on running out of regular baker's chocolate, substituted broken pieces of semi-sweet chocolate from Nestlé thinking that they would melt and mix into the batter. They did not and the chocolate chip cookie was born.

LUN International x